**We want to inform and update you on anything CP related, as well as highlight opportunities to link with us and contribute to a joint understanding of community planning initiatives in Aberdeenshire.
Please scroll down!**
For Formartine Community Planning Group
Actions Update
Draft Annual Report will be submitted for the CP Board meeting for consideration
on 20th September. Thank you to all partners for your contributions.
Work continues on all three Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) priorities – developing the alcohol action plan; progressing the child poverty qualitative research (through a research contractor) and collating relevant Child Poverty data from Aberdeenshire Council and partners; B&B and Buchan Area Teams are working on Locality Plans development. A LOIP and Locality Plans leaflet attached.
The central CP team will be pulling together the final annual report on the Single Outcome Agreement for the September Board meeting (20th September). This is being done through the Theme Leads for each priority.
The CPOs recommending that a Citizens’ Panel topic be “Public involvement in decision-making”
An update on the various community engagement activities coming up as we continue our work with Community Councils seeking to develop community action plans – these dates will be circulated to FCPG when confirmed.
Draft Council’s Priorities – a reminder the consultation is still open - to read all about it, view the infographics, watch the short video then tell us what they think through the surveys (the surveys closing 15th September). Or people can attend one of our Ward Forums on Tuesday 26th September at Ellon Community Campus and Wednesday, 4th October at St Ninian’s Church, Turriff. There will also be a presentation outlining Local Development Planning and the opportunity to ask questions. Notices of these forums will be circulated shortly to help us promote these Forums locally. Any queries email myself or Rod Gunson email:
CP Executive
The CPP Executive received updates on the LOIP (including the draft Alcohol action plan) and the CPP Review at last week’s meeting. The Engagement Guide and the Citizens' Panel plan was also to be considered for approval. Go to
Useful information for Partners
CPP Board Summary Bulletin June 2017 available to read and circulate
Barriers to Community Engagement in Planning – research study
What Works Scotland August Newsletter -
· Place Standard Film and Evaluation Report
Community Empowerment Act and Common Good Property – consultation on draft guidance
· Annual Report to Parliament on Welfare Reform -
Open Government Partnership Scottish Action Plan – The 5 commitments are Financial Transparency; Measure Scotland’s Progress; Deliver a Fairer Scotland; Participatory Budgeting; Increasing Participation -
Current Campaigns by CP Partners
Safer Scotland Country Road Safety Campaign – Safer Scotland have launched their country road campaign, ‘Don’t Risk It’. To view the campaign materials, including top tips for driving safely on country roads, please visit:
can even try your hand at their online challenge, ‘Don’t get in a spin’ at
Other Meetings (for info)
FCPG (August) to be rescheduled
Ellon & District Health and Wellbeing Forum meeting this week (31st August)
Formartine Community Council Forum Meeting 7pm Wednesday, 30th August at Meldrum Academy Conference Room.
CPP Board, 20th September, Fraserburgh
Useful information for circulating as appropriate
The next Formartine Area Bus Forum will be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday, 7th September 2017 in the Staff Room of Ellon Academy Community Campus. Bus Forums are bi-annual meetings held in each of the 6 areas, attended by the Council’s Public Transport Unit, local Councillors and local bus operators. Anyone can attend and it gives an opportunity for local bus services (Council supported or commercial) to be discussed, raising any changes, issues and requests. If any member of our communities need assistance to attend the meeting please ask them to contact Claire Marshall or telephone 01467 533493
· Scotland’s Towns Partnership Digital Towns Pilot Programme – application deadline 31st August 2017.
· Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards Aberdeenshire 2017 – deadline 4th October 2017.
· Poverty, schools and inequality, 29th September
Various information available:
· National Lone Parent Helpline Service – 0808 801 0323
· Aberdeenshire Unpaid Carers’ Information Pack is available click here
Funding opportunities
· Hilden Charitable Fund - makes grants to projects that address disadvantage. In particular, the Fund wants to support projects that address homelessness; supports asylum seekers and refugees; supports community based initiatives for disadvantaged young people; and penal affairs. Closing date for applications is 15th September 2017.
· Greener Spaces, Better Places - Stewart Milne Group is looking for run-down, neglected or simply unused open spaces which would benefit from a green make-over. Projects could include a local park which needs more grass or plants, the building of allotments or an open space which could be transformed from a concrete wasteland into a colourful, tranquil oasis in the heart of a community. Deadline is 8th September 2017.
· SNH Green Infrastructure Spaces Community Engagement Fundto reopen - It supports organisations who want to employ staff or contractors to work with communities to encourage them to make better use of their greenspace or to develop proposals on how it could be improved.
· Volant Charitable Trust The Open Grants programme has restarted with grants of up to £10,000 per annum available for up to 3 years. Funding applications are sought from charities with a strong focus on supporting women and children affected by hardship or disadvantage. For more information please visit
· Please see the link which offers an opportunity for community groups to apply for a small donation in various areas including Turriff and Oldmeldrum which may be of interest to your contacts.